Thursday, 27 September 2012

My way, or the highway.

I have always believed that when you dance to your own rhythm,Life taps its toes to your beat. And that there are two types of people - the leaders and the followers. Maybe its a genetically coded thing. Or maybe its a result of conditioning, upbringing and situations. Whatever it is- the two kinds are completely intolerant of the other.

Then, there are those that have transitioned from one to the other kind. like I have.And that defies and delivers a well-aimed bonk on the head of the above two theories.

I do not remember when, how, why it happened to me. I distinctly remember what a docile, sweet, quiet lamb I used to be. The model child- so my parents and relatives often espoused. A sweet melodious soft voice (NO need to snigger, people!) and a calm, shy dimpled face. Under-confident, very very shy..someone who couldn't (and didn't) ever say BOO to a goose! 

I remember my dad pulling my leg and mimicking my calling out to a rickshaw, when I went to medical college. As in, as soft, shy "Rick-shaaaaaa...", which more often than not went unheard. I remember dashing in to my parents drawing room and wishing the assorted aunties and uncles there (as was the approved tradition for well-behaved kids back then in army households) and dashing out with cheeks burning with embarrassment ! (Yes- we ARE still talking about me here!)

Then I met, fell in love and got married to a social drone- the life and soul of boisterous parties. Maybe we both learn from the other. Maybe it was a mutation brought about by "extenuating circumstances"- on account of moving out from the Air Force way of life and into a Joint Family! Maybe it was survival. 

Today, and a large part of yesterday- has seen complete role reversal in my home. Hubby is the loner and the strong, silent kind, and I have transcended the social butterfly kingdom! Live life on my terms, follow my own dreams, do my own thing, run my life and that of other willing and unwilling subjects in my kingdom MY way:-)) - aided and abetted by my fond family of course!

My motto : Its my way or the highway:-))

Facebook has a word for it- "In an open relationship"..which often confuses people. They understand the term in the short-sighted, tunnel-visioned way that patriarchal society teaches them- meaning- "having an affair"!! For me- it means complete freedom for each member of my family to choose their directions, follow their dreams and target their horizons. With the vital corollary: So long as its ok with the others:-))

And I have found it the most successful and satisfying way to live! So- my advice to all of the followers out there - Play your own tune, dance to your own rhythm, choose your own piece of sky and fly with your own wings! And Life will tap its toes to your beat too:-)

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