Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Vanakkam, Chennai

Dear North India,
I have spent one short week in the land of the Tamil, and experienced what is the true essence of India. Just want to share this with you. Because forewarned is forearmed after all. So, restrain your machismo, stop strutting around, lower your voice, lower the volume of that #&@# music, stop honking your horns.. And listen.
1. The roads of Chennai, Mahabalipuram and Pondicherry are narrow and as crowded, but nobody leans on the horn or attempts whizzing past the other, yelling obscenities. Everyone somehow reaches where they're going minus all of that.
2. The toll booths mostly are open, minus the electronic barrier. Just Nobody yells Yayyyyy or flashes beer bottles and speeds through. They stop, exchange a pleasantary and pay up.
3. Stop anyone on the road and ask for directions. They reply with a Thank you prefixed and suffixed.
4. Catch anyone's eye.. You can be assured of a warm smile.
5 . JUST NOBODY OGLES WOMEN. No matter what they wear. Or do not wear.
6. There is hardly a police presence to be seen. People haven't locked themselves behind a thousand grills. I have never seen such a safe place in my life.
7. An inclusive people, language barrier notwithstanding. It's Enlightening and so warming to realize that language is so unimportant and trivial to communicate. Gestures, a few words in English, and numerous smiles.. And Bingo! You're connected.
8. A people in no hurry. No ratrace competition. Living life as life is meant to be lived. Healthy. Happy. And it shows in the lack of queues outside hospitals and clinics.
9. In 7 days, we did not see a single man peeing on walls, and no man, woman or child spitting anywhere!
10. Last and very very definitely not the least , there is complete equality among the people. . Rich and Poor, Hindu and Muslim, Black and White. No subservient attitudes, no looking up or down at the other. You do your thing, I will do mine. Peacefully. With honour.
The driver, the peon, the household help, the employee.. You are your name to them. They will refer to you address you by your name. Yes an odd "saar" from time to time. But that's it.

Please wake up. This means You - Delhi, NCR, Punjab, UP, Haryana.. You have defiled, degraded, destroyed the spirit of India. With your uncouth manners and rotten ways.

Suddenly.. In this short week.. I saw India. The real one. I will never forget you. Because this is the India that lives inside me.

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Valentine Madness

Promise day, Chocolate day, Teddy day, Hug Day, Promise day... Then the day of the deepest, awesome-est, divinest emotion ever.. Love. Makes me happy to see how our children have raised themselves from days dedicated to assorted Gods and Goddesses, fasting, doing penance, steeped in rituals.. Meaningless indoctrination of the mind. .. At least now the focus has shifted to realistic facets of life.. Food for the body, food for the soul :-)

- Happy Every Day to all.

Dear St. Valentine,
I have a serious complaint to lodge. Why did you not clarify your legacy? Why do generations who love the legacy of love, feel it is restricted to just a tiny age slot? 16 to 26 year olds? Why? Can love be compartmentalized into any shape, size, era or age? Can relationships override each other in supremacy? Is the love for a parent, a child, a sibling, a neighbor, a friend.. Any less than that for a partner?

You have to admit. You slipped up. Everyone enjoys a surprise gift. Opening one's eyes to the fragrance of fresh flowers. To see a warm smile in the eyes of those who care. That precious feeling of being made to feel special. Am I right or am I right? Sigh! I am always right. People know that by now.

So - here goes! Happy Valentine's day to you St. Valentine. And to every one I care for. And who care for me. Also.. I will put my nasty side away in commemoration of this season, and wish the same to those who do not care for me. And vice versa
Fair enough? Here's gifts in abundance and loads of love and best wishes to one and all here.. May everyone have those special people in their world.. Who make everything worthwhile . 


Looking out of my railway carriage
As oft I am wont to do for fun,
(For it isn't you alone who has that poetic licence-
dear Alfred Lord Tennyson)

I looked into the deep dark woods
For to see the precious sight,
A few pairs of tawny eyes,
Maybe a flighty deer fight.

With the trumpeting sound in my ear
In my mind's eye I saw.
How many pachyderms are these..
Did I see five and six?
Or were there five and four?

Then all at once the train doth pass
Over a meagre stream.
And inward flashed upon my eye
As though part of some dream.

A pride of proud peacocks
Gallivanting back and forth,
Their heads bowed down, their tails held high -
Water filled in their throats!

Oh but what a majestic sight that was
That I had the good luck to spy.
Afore we steamed into a busy town
And there goeth my inward eye!

-With due apologies to Robert Frost, Robert Browning, Lord Byron and Affred Lord Tennyson

Seema Tyagi