Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Synaptic short-circuiting*#$@%**

Some days are just *#@%**
Its not even about getting up from "the wrong side of the bed"! Like clockwork, I have swung my legs down on the same side of the bed every morning in all these years, albeit with eyes closed and puffy with lack of sleep (the story of my life), groping my way to the washroom basin to strive cold water splashes as a means of awakening.

Its not about any issue clogging my nerves, or any other irritant that I can immediately bring to mind. Just SNAP! The charged particles of matter within my head, and matter without..surrounding my sleepy head... just seem to go to war with each other and produce jabbed sparks of lightening through my head!!

Interaction with other specimens of humanity is disastrous! There is every likelihood of their heads getting bitten off, and its not aesthetic to see numerous headless creatures float around the highly-charged atmosphere!!!

Taking a painkiller, solitude, and darkness..seem to be my only Nirwana. Sigh! What a waste of a beautiful day! 

Saturday, 14 May 2011

A Mother's Love--and its fallout:-)

A Mother's Love--and Teachings

by Seema Tyagi on Saturday, 14 May 2011 at 09:21

* TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE-"If you're going to kill each other do it outside-I just finished cleaning."

* RELIGION-"You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

* TIME TRAVEL-"If you don't straighten up, I'm going to kick you into the middle of next week."

* LOGIC-"Because I said so, that's why."

* FORESIGHT-"Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you have to dive into a river to save a drowning child”.

* IRONY-"Keep laughing or I'll *give* you something to cry about."

* OSMOSIS-"Shut your mouth and eat your food."

*@ BRAT Only: CONTORTIONISM-"Will you look at the dirt on the back on your neck!"

* STAMINA-"You'll sit there till all that fruit / vegetable is finished."

* WEATHER-"It looks as if a tornado swept through your room."

* How to solve PHYSICS PROBLEMS-"If I yelled because I saw a meteor coming towards you; would you then listen??"

* HYPOCRISY-"If I've told you once I've told you a million times-Don't Exaggerate!!!"

* THE CIRCLE OF LIFE-" I brought you into this world, and I can take you out. So LOOK OUT!!!"

* BEHAVIOUR -"Stop acting like your father."

* ENVY-"There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

* ULTIMATUMS – “ Do NOT fall with your mouths open and chip your teeth EVER AGAIN!!! Or I will knock them out myself.”

Do I hear a chorus of THANK YOUS??? Aanchal, Saahil, Shalu????

The Brats

Monday, 9 May 2011

Bound, gagged and shackled..

I sometimes despair of the human race vis a vis Indians... Complacency sure has its place among necessary virtues, but to what extent can we stretch it? Much is mouthed and written about illiteracy being a bane to the progress of our society. But what of the "educated " uninformed???

I wish people would realize that , in our present set-up at least, we have to know, understand and claw for our rights. Not put our trust in Gods, demi-Gods, God-men and women, lawyers, engineers and least of all- Doctors! This is where my rage boils over and spills out! Being of the fraternity, I am disgusted and pained to see the megalomaniacally callous and high-handed attitudes of the super-specialist members of the medical community . A friend got admitted into hospital a couple of days back. 5 days of vague symptoms, and Wham! He gets to know he has but 15% of his kidneys in working order and will now on need dialysis thrice a week for the rest of his life! Imagine what would go through your mind is this happened to you? Does any doc even ask this vital question of himself?? No- he very definitely doesn't. Why should he? He is, after all, the chosen one of the Almighty. God on earth. So what does he do? He knocks down all the frightened patient's questions with a harsh "Pehle sochna tha.. ab bahut late ho gaya in sab sawaalon ke liye."
Without having the test reports in his hands, he can judge, condemn, hang and quarter a frightened person, who until yesterday was a "normal" man-about-town??

This friend, incidentally a retired army officer, cannot now have anything sweet nor salty to eat. The dietitian gave lots of unwanted advice, prepared diet charts @Rs.1000/- per advice session. Then, the hospital served regular oily, salty meals ..same for patients of all kinds as well as for their relatives. When his wife brought home-made saltless food , they were scolded and insulted and ordered that "according to the rules", he will have to eat the canteen food.Why lose out on revenue??Who makes these rules?Total disregard for the patients condition seems to be the new mantra for doctors. And the disturbed, frightened, confused family can hardly bring themselves to ask logical questions, and demand logical answers.

Another person, a cousin .. an up-and-coming hotelier with his own set-up, married with kids in school..just went for a routine check-up a couple of weeks back to a premium hi-fi super-speciality hospital in Gurgaon. Was diagnosed with second-stage cancer of the stomach. Got operated, and while undergoing a course of toxic chemotherapy, went into convulsions. So what did the super-specialist at the super- speciality hospital do? Instructed the petrified relatives to deposit 3 lacs in the middle of the night, and sent him off for ANGIOGRAPHY????? Why?? Wasn't the diagnosis clear? If at all they suspected a heart attack, easier, safer, quicker tests would have sufficed. But then maybe they would not have earned as much revenue.

Why do the educated, upright, intelligent citizens of this land lose all their powers of reasoning and become innocent dewy-eyed lambs for slaughter?? When will people learn? Stand up for their rights? Who will teach them to trust in themselves, and not blindly in others?

Bound, gagged and shackled - We-The people of India. Awaiting a reincarnated God to come and show us the way.

How many battles does one need to fight? To and die with dignity?

Sunday, 8 May 2011

One hundred years from now...

One hundred years from now....

This all began with the most incredible woman in my life- You, Vinnie Dev..who I have the incredible good fortune, to call my Mom:-) After the happiest, warmest, most warm and secure childhood, where you taught me the richness of unconditional love and support, the importance of holding a family together with bonds of Trust and Faith interlaced with all the love one has in one's heart to give... I can truthfully accept that I too hold the very same place in my children's hearts that you hold in mine. I love you, mom:-)

One hundred years from now- it won't matter what car I sat in, how many designer clothes I wore..
It won't matter how big a house I lived in, or how much I had in my bank account.
Nor how many friends I thought I had, how many suitors, or those that liked me..
It won't matter how many times I was told how good I looked, or how sweetly I spoke..
All that will matter, will be a world that looks beautiful and always right-side-up..
Because I was important in the lives of my children:-)

This is for you two- Aanchal and Saahil- whom I carried in my womb for nine ecstatic months, and will carry in my heart for ever and a day!
This is also for you, Shalu- whom I did not share the bond that began with an umbilical cord, but yet built the citadel of love, trust and friendship, which is all the more precious to me, because we built it ourselves, Rajiv, Aanchal, Saahil, you and I together.

This Mother's Day-I want to thank all three of you for being there in my life, and for letting me be part of yours. Someone said-it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you have a baby. That someone sure didn't know that once you have become a "mother", being "normal" is history. They said being a mother is boring at times. They probably didn't have a madcap son escaping from back doors of loos in the wee hours of the night, or calls from Principals in the middle of busy days of the same child vanishing from school and being found in vast empty fields, adorned with empty beer bottles:-) A big Thank you to you, my Brat:-)

They said-you can never love any child as much as your own flesh and blood. They probably didn't have a delightful, caring, lovely daughter like you, Shalu:-)

They said your first born is always the centre of your existence, your heart and soul, always part of every breath you take, every beat of your heart. This time, they were right! They probably had met you, Aanchal:-)

Then they said, a mother stops worrying after her daughter gets married. They definitely didn't know that marriage just adds a new son to the mother's heart-strings:-) Try and free yourself if you can, Gourav:-)

They would never have dreamt that there exists yet another dimension to maternity. That the father of these children would enrich the experience of being an eternal mother. Of someone that just doesn't grow up!! Thank you, Rajiv- for always being a constant source of reminders of all the pranks, all the fun, all the irresponsibilities, that are such a precious part of my children's childhood, before they grew up.

I know all three of you have grown up today:-) Yes- you too, Brat:-) The gap between asking where you came from, to refuse to tell us where you are going-- makes us realize that. And makes us happy and proud. There are but two lasting legacies we can give our children. One is roots. The other-wings. . and I think I can say with truth that we have equipped you adequately with both.

So, a hundred years from now- when I smile from within the clusters of stars in the sky, from the fragrance of mogra in your balconies in the summer breeze, from the 'Oooh Ma's" in your voices as you grow and evolve, "They", who thought they knew it all, will hang their heads in dismay, for the lessons Life taught them, were just lessons after all. Not Life.

So if "they" ever whisper in your ears, my children- that your mother KNOWS you love her, and you don't need to tell her... Always remember... "They" have never been a Mother:-)

Happy Mother's Day!